Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a tricky subject!  We can help!

Page One Google Ranking
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a bit tricky!  We feel Web Design, key words, and quality content will get your site ranked!
SEO,search engine optimization,google,google ranking
Quality Content!
Google likes quality content!  A well designed website will have great content placed througout!  A good website describes each page, text snipet, and pictures!  Do your pictures have proper Alt Text?  Don’t know the answer, better give us a call!
Do You Blog?
If you do not have a blog on your website, you are missing content Google and Bing love!  Blogs equal quality content, links, and pictures that google ranks very high!  Your blog pages should be shared on social media and forums! Blogs get you ranked!
Key Words,Google,SEO
What Are Keywords
What are the keywords for your website?  Are these keywords in your meta description and page title?  If you don’t know these questions, please call me!  Keywords are the foundation of your website!  You should know them by heart!
SEO, Social Media
Social Media
Does social media help my Google rankings?  Yes and No!  Google does not care if you have 10,535 followers on Twitter!  Google really likes websites that Blog quality content, and put those links on Twitter!  The goal of your website is to link up with social media!